Intermediate Interactive Vocabulary Activities

Exercises Lists

Adverbs: Part 1

Part 1. In English, an adverb is one or more words that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In this intermediate activity you will learn that adverbs typically express some relation of place, time, manner, circumstance, degree, cause, condition, purpose or means.


  • To be able to understand adverbs

Adverbs: Part 2

Part 2. In English, an adverb is one or more words that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In this intermediate activity you will be able to identify adverbs typically express some relation of place, time, manner, circumstance, degree, cause, condition, purpose or means.


  • To be able to identify adverbs

Parts of Speech - Intermediate Level

In this activity you will learn a little more about the parts of speech in English. They are used in various combinations to express complete thoughts that range from very simple to very complex. Open this activity to expand your knowledge of English parts of speech.


  • Identify the correct parts of speech.

Subject / Verb Agreement - Intermediate Level

When speaking or writing English, the subject of the sentence and the verb of the sentence must always match. In English, if the subject of a sentence is singular then the verb must also be singular for a sentence to make sense. Open this activity to improve your English Subject / Verb agreement!


  • Subject / Verb Agreement - Intermediate Level